Hi Everybody,

Hopefully you took pleasure in last week’s beautiful weather and nice weather is again forecast. *The First Day of Spring, also the Vernal Equinox, is March 20, enjoy!

Trivia:  March 12 of 1894, Coca-Cola was first served in a glass bottle.

Last week, Valley City’s George Gaukler died.  From my view, George was a hard-working, intelligent business man who was  kind, giving and loved Valley City.  The housing developments, apartment complexes and certainly the Gaukler Family Wellness Center are identifiable projects for which he is noted.  What many of us do not know are all the people, businesses and charities to which George was a financial benefactor allowing them so many opportunities to be successful.  Thank you George, you will be missed.

Fecal matter, especially “dog poop” can be dangerous due to the presence of bacteria and parasites which can cause illness in humans and animals.  For the safety of all, please pick-up poop in your yard and always carry a “poopie bag” when walking your pet.  Thank you for your efforts.

The North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA) crowned Class AA Basketball Champions, West Fargo Horace in the girls’ and Bismarck Century in the boys’.  The other “team” on the floor for all games is the game officials.  It is a big “feather in one’s cap” to be selected as a tournament official, like basketball teams, officials compete for tournaments.  Thanks to all of you officials who  “Enter the Arena” and compete. 

* That officiating was just mentioned, why not give officiating a try?  It’s an opportunity to “give back” to sports and kids you love.  Call the (NDHSAA) at 701-845-3953 for information.

Some MRES Board topics last week concerned, power supply resources, transmission projects and distribution maintenance services.  With the onset of data centers, generating enough electric power to adequately serve our needs is a huge challenge.

Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this column.

“Most folk are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

        Blessings, Pray, be Respectful and Grateful,


Dave Carlsrud