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Supporters Host Successful Fundraiser for Mayoral Candidate Shane Krauser

Shane Krauser is a candidate for Gilbert mayor, a former adjunct professor of constitutional and criminal law, and an experienced trial attorney.

GILBERT, ARIZONA, UNITED STATES, April 18, 2024 / -- In the midst of much fanfare and excitement, a capacity crowd of supporters gathered for a fundraiser and celebrated Shane Krauser’s candidacy for Gilbert mayor.

“I’m so thrilled with the massive support. More importantly, I’m honored that so many are trusting me to carry the mantle of leadership that can and will take Gilbert in a new, refreshing direction,” said Shane Krauser, a married father of six children.

The black-tie affair was held on March 28, 2024 at The Cottage near downtown Gilbert, Arizona, and the event featured dinner, music, games, and a silent and live auction.

Krauser, a former violent crimes prosecutor who has campaigned, in part, on his experience with putting criminals away, raised money that will be used to create awareness about his ideas.

Nationally-renowned artist, Vanessa Horabuena, was in attendance and painted two masterpieces live in front of the attendees. Each painting was auctioned off for more than $3,000 each.

Other auction items included a Mexico vacation package, a private airplane charter, and numerous framed art and pictures, including several pieces of Americana memorabilia.

Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, who is a current candidate for U.S. Senate, was a special guest and offered a riveting message of why unique candidates like Shane Krauser must be supported. He emphasized that America has a courage problem and that good people can lead the way for a better tomorrow.

Lamb shared the story of the Battle of Stony Point (1779) and spoke of the unwavering commitment of George Washington’s Continental Army in that confrontation. He moved the audience to a standing ovation as he summarized Brigadier General Anthony Wayne’s words to General Washington about those soldiers.

“Those fighters behaved like ‘men determined to be free.’ If we wish to restore America, we must have the same type of courage and resolve,” said Lamb.

Shane Krauser spoke and cast a vision of what would be possible under his leadership.

“As we address the issues so many in Gilbert are concerned about — crime, taxation, property rights, infrastructure, and government efficiency — we can create a model for cities and towns across the country to look to for how government is supposed to be run, namely lean, streamlined, and with a responsible eye towards freedom. We could do something really special,” said Krauser.

Shane Krauser has never held political office, yet he has mobilized many inside and outside of the town to new possibilities that aren’t typically considered at the local government level.

“So much of what government does could be done more effectively by churches, charities, and private enterprise. We will work together to involve these groups to ensure that the demands of the community are addressed at an optimum level,” said Krauser, a former trial attorney who spent more than a decade in the courtroom.

The community is responding positively, as Shane Krauser continues to place a heavy focus on the solutions that elected officials at the local level who are grounded in the principles of small, responsible government and freedom can provide. Krauser believes that with the right leadership, “Our best days are ahead!”

The primary election for the Gilbert mayoral race is July 30, 2024.

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Paid for by the Vote Shane Krauser committee.

Photos courtesy of Karen Wood.

Jared Taylor
Vote Shane Krauser
+1 (480) 734-7073

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